mercredi 16 février 2011 - all records are being broken as we speak (write)!

.... server overloaded??????
Wow! this is a quick blog entry! since yesterday, we have been noticing an increase in traffic that is both amazing  and encouraging. The traffic on went so high in the past 24 hours we had to set up a back up server so that the main server wouldn't crash! For the technical team at igihe, it is a constant struggle dealing with <defunctional> PHP process, that are probably caused by unterminated scripts on the server.

Only yesterday, we recorded an overall traffic of 60,000 Users! and today some stories on the home page have already received 80,000 and more hits!

We believe, that we are living the internet boom of Rwanda! History is currently on the making, and by reading these lines you can be reassured to be part of it! So keep visiting to always keep you updated for free!

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