mercredi 16 février 2011 - all records are being broken as we speak (write)!

.... server overloaded??????
Wow! this is a quick blog entry! since yesterday, we have been noticing an increase in traffic that is both amazing  and encouraging. The traffic on went so high in the past 24 hours we had to set up a back up server so that the main server wouldn't crash! For the technical team at igihe, it is a constant struggle dealing with <defunctional> PHP process, that are probably caused by unterminated scripts on the server.

Only yesterday, we recorded an overall traffic of 60,000 Users! and today some stories on the home page have already received 80,000 and more hits!

We believe, that we are living the internet boom of Rwanda! History is currently on the making, and by reading these lines you can be reassured to be part of it! So keep visiting to always keep you updated for free!

lundi 14 février 2011

WWW.IGIHE.COM is now a millionaire!

The story of how this happened is quite amazing! In 2009, when begun  these were the number of visitors that we received on

On this screenshot of June 2009 traffic, was recorded to have 39 Unique visitors, 64 Visits, 883 viewed pages for a total of 3495 hits and a data transfer of  12.74 MB.  Which to put it in simple words means..almost nobody visited! (Except for the team members themselves).

These traffic datas are in high contrast with a screenshot i took a few minutes ago from Google Analytics, displaying our latest numbers :

Google analytics is a free service from  US internet company GOOGLE, that helps website gather information about the amount of internet traffic they generate. The Datas provided by google covering the period from Jan 14th,2011 to Feb 10th,2011 goes as follow :

- Number of Visits : 1,037,566
- Page Views : 2,831,976
- Unique visitors : 210,292

Now you can say, wow! these are huge numbers! In just 1 and 1/2 year has moved from being visited by itself to being visited by almost all internet users in Rwanda and a part of the diaspora. As it shows on this analysis from GOOGLE most of's traffic comes from Rwanda :

By country is mostly visited From:

1. Rwanda : 498,766 Visits
2. United States : 65,791 Visits
3. Belgium : 65,502 Visits
4. Canada : 46,483 Visits
5. France : 29,636 Visits
6. United Kingdom : 17,841 Visits
7. Netherlands : 17,726 Visits
8. Sudan : 13, 630 Visits
9. Norway : 12,148 Visits
10. Not set : 140,049 Visits.

There are some more countries where is visited which are not counted in this chart. The traffic analysis goes further to show that every single visitor spends at least 7 minutes on the site! I know this is a pointless exercise but i like to multiply 7 minutes spent by every of the 1,037,566 visits , which gives a total of  7,262,962 Minutes spent on JUST LAST MONTH!

Given its internationalization, accessibility, covered surface area and outreach; is by far the most visited media by Rwandan all over the world far beyond all the local radios and TV stations taken together.

Other Local Medias, have their audience and/or readership distributed only on Rwanda territory and a part of the neighboring countries! on the other hand covers almost the entire planet, and links together all the people of Rwanda wherever they are in the world.

There is no local newspaper,local radio station or local TV station that has a readership or audience in the United States, or the United Kingdom, or Belgium, or France Like has! And all of this has been achieved in just a year and half of existence, think about what it will be in 10 years!

A big congratulations for reaching a million visitors a month, and the team at IGIHE LTD!

We are planning to launch a lot of new products during the course of this year, that will further perfect the way people access information via their preferred media thanks to the internet. By the end of this year, the impact IGIHE.COM will have on Rwandans all over the world is outstanding. Stay with us, and witness history in the making! Thanks for reading.

dimanche 13 février 2011

IGIHE LTD Awarded best exhibitor at NUR Students Expo 2011

Quick post! yesterday at the close of the NUR (National University of Rwanda) Students expo, IGIHE LTD, the company managing was awarded a certificate for the best exhibitor. What was there to exhibit you ask? internet data, and the people at the stand answering various questions that they have about questions such as the number of visitors we have, the profile of our average visitors, ect

All the people attending our stand were given explanations about our success stories, and also about the profile of the company, the people who work in

This post is just to say a big congratulations to all IGIHE LTD team members and those who everyday get their news from making it the first online resource for information in our country.

IGIHE LTD - A quick break from work with the team!

Did you know that the staff members of IGIHE LTD, worked for over 1 year and half without knowing each other?
Since we begun in mid 2009, hiring new members, discovering new talents, partnering with distant people was almost always done over phone lines or by em
ail. We never really had time to meet, and socialize outside of work. It is only last month that we decided it was time for everyone to know everyone. Some of our members were in fact very crucial to the team but also vary unknown by the team. Especially members from the technical team.

So we decided to set up a reunion of all team members (But even then not all of them showed up). The reunion begun by everyone presenting themselves, names, occupation, home address, and then we went on to telling stories about how we begun, the difficulties we encountered in setting up the company, the difficulties we still encounter today and our vision for the future. Many among the attendees took word to express, both concerns and how proud they felt to be part of this community.

Everybody was relaxed, we had a drink or two (non and alcoholic)! and then went back to work which has always been our first priority (even before common socialization affairs). We hope we will have some more time like that to spend with each other, but one thing is sure, every time we meet will always be around our work,achievement and innovation.