jeudi 12 août 2010

Opening the Igihe ltd blog


Welcome to the official blog of igihe ltd, the company that publishes the website but also its soon to come english version. This blog, could have been created since the launch of Igihe ltd but we were let say quite busy at work. This blog will also be a way for us to communicate about what we do internally and why we do it.

Why this blog?

Our goal is to explain our overall strategy to the visitors of,which will probably be the first readers of this blog, taking into account the fact that many of them are not yet fully familiar with The world of information technology business.

We found that many visitors did not understand certain things related to the Igihe ltd company that seemed obvious to us. Even elementary. And we can not blame them: we either we are not born with the innate knowledge, we are not accountants,we do not know all the things that run the world in which we live. We have made mistakes, we make and we will certainly be others. It's healthy. That's how you learn. And it's even better if that experience is shared, hence the reason for this blog.

About Us

This blog will be moderated by all the members of the current team of the editors and journalists, which we will occasionally from time to time present to you. In addition to wanting to communicate what we do for,we also hope to arouse the curiosity of some of you and maybe inspire in you an interest in entrepreneurship.

In fact, one entrepreneur is much closer to an employee than you think. Both have their share of worries, fears and reasons to appreciate what they do.They just see these things with a different angle. Maybe the experience we have acquired running will be of some form of help to all of you students and other people who want to start in this business.We hope through this blog, giving you a much better idea of our point of view of the information technology business that is still in its infancy in our country Rwanda.

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